Results Driven Marketing's Strengths

Results Driven Marketing builds its brand value by focusing on our core strengths, and therefore creating the best consumer experience possible.

We have identified several business areas where we deliver beyond standard expectations.

1. Site Traffic: Generating significant site traffic is one of our peak skill sets. It allows us to enter and become a force in the markets we target.

2. Steady Growth: No matter how profitable our existing websites may be, we constantly develop new sites and think of new ideas to fuel our business.

3. Customer Service: Repeat business is the spark that sets growth on fire. To create repeat business we offer the highest levels of customer service.

Site Traffic

You can have the most compelling website and product in the world, but it won't lead to a solid revenue stream if you cannot generate the amount of site traffic you need to stand out and attract potential customers.

Therefore, before we even start to consider building a website, we create a strategy to generate significant amounts of site traffic so that the site becomes revenue positive instead of revenue neutral or negative. This is why our websites attract more than 500,000 unique visitors a day. We employ a variety of methods to generate this traffic, including the most up to date SEO practices available, laser targeted pay per click advertising, and link exchange programs, among other proprietary traffic.

Steady Growth

Business is business, and business must grow. Otherwise, your company will stagnate, and eventually lose profitability. Therefore, to be successful, internet marketing companies must constantly expand and create an ever-expanding presence online.

Customer Service

It costs considerably more money to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing customer for repeat business. Yet, it is also very easy to lose an existing customer. One bad experience can undo all of the good work you have put in. However, if handled the right way, a customer's problem can actually increase their level of satisfaction with your company.

Most people understand that in business, mistakes can be made. It's not the mistake that will drive them away; it's how you handle the error and how quickly you solve the problem. That's why we employ a variety of different high quality customer service entry points, so our clients can always get their problems solved quickly and easily.

We employ tested online customer support at North American based call centers in order to achieve a level of customer service excellence that is unknown to most Internet marketing companies.


At Results Driven Marketing, we are committed to finding new and innovative ways to create revenue channels that deliver value through online sales and growth by evaluating existing marketplaces and offering a unique position.
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We believe the best way to do business is with a commitment to the community you serve and live in. That is why we've built our company on a dedication to support worthy local and global organizations and also encorage others to do so as well.
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Our Partners

We believe in the power of positive networking. That's why we strive to create value for our advertising partners and affiliates with outstanding support and services for all those we forge partnerships with.
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Contact HMG

Results Driven Marketing

2646 St. Louis Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: 1-780-417-5715
Fax: 1-866-205-4629
About Results Driven Marketing
Results Driven Marketing is a progressive industry leading marketing firm. Since its foundation in 2009 the company has created valued partnerships and experienced rapid growth. The company is committed to finding new and innovative ways to create revenue through online products. It conducts its business on the principles of teamwork, honest advertising, customer service and giving back to communities.
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